What happens to the DC when the dream is over?

What happens to the DC when the dream is over?2021-06-26T09:54:30-05:00

I want to share a very interesting and aware answer I got from a DC.

I was lucid and was in a hotel room. Two guys entered and one of them sat down on a chair behind a desk. I asked the DC: “What really happens to you when the dream is over”?

He replied; “In a sense, we are physical people and we cease to exist if you stop thinking about us.” Then I woke up.

I find the “if” interesting in the answer, he could have answered; “when” you stop thinking about us. I found this answer very interesting and very aware.


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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish June 26, 2021

Hi Tony,

In my second book, I share some examples of how to ‘create’ or call forth dream figures — and note that Paul Tholey in Germany had much the same observation (that you could call forth a dream figure representation of a felt idea of your’s).

For example, in a lucid dream you do something that you ‘know’ or believe deserves punishment.  Suddenly around the corner comes a policeman to arrest you!  Here, your belief in punishment helps to ‘create’ an appropriate symbol.

Of course, dream figures vary — and so a person in a lucid dream using this process may help create a ‘thought form’ version of a dream figure (meaning a less complex dream figure, directly connected to a current issue or feeling in your mind at that moment).

But now imagine that over the course of a decade you give lots of subconscious thought energy to an issue….. What happens?  You may create a very powerful dream figure representation…..

However, what happens when you resolve that issue?  In some respects the energy that upholds that dream figure now changes.  It may cease to be.

In any case, you bring up an interesting point (which some lucid dreamers have also heard from their more aware dream figures).

Thanks for sharing your examples!

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish June 26, 2021
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