Sacred Geometry for Dream / Lucid Dream Induction

Sacred Geometry for Dream / Lucid Dream Induction2023-02-11T10:55:08-06:00

Hi there,

I am a relative beginner in the area of lucid dreaming and have been researching to find new and engaging induction techniques which work for me. I typically have excellent dream recall and have been able to recall ~3 (very short!) lucid dreams over the past year.

I’ve always noticed that meditation 20-30 minutes prior to sleeping significantly enhanced my dream recall. I have also read that meditating upon certain geometric symbols can induce prescribed effects in the practitioner, however, have not come across symbols exclusively for dream induction.

In your experience, I was wondering if you have observed meditation upon certain geometric symbols to be powerful in dream and/or lucid dream induction? If so, I’d love to hear more and be pointed in the direction of further information on the topic or examples of symbols to try out.

Thank you!

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish February 11, 2023

Hi Dean,

Thanks for your note.  I think most any practice that calms the mind before sleep (such as meditating, breathing practice, gratefulness practice, etc.) will likely lead to better dream recall and perhaps more interesting dreams.

Regarding a yantra practice or meditating/looking upon a geometric symbol to ‘induce’ lucid dreams — I have not heard anyone speak or present on this.  However, as you will find in the Lucid Dreaming Experience magazine at many lucid dreamers report encounters with interesting geometric forms (the Dec. 2022 free issue comes to mind).  For myself, I have noticed in lucid dreams two interlocking pyramids (one up, one down, composed of light) and later learned that this symbol has the name, ‘Merkaba’.

I wrote to Ed Kellogg to ask if he knew of any geometric symbol meditation for lucid dreaming and he could not think of any.  He did share the following:
“Still, these two articles of mine might at least interest him despite their not having the “how-to” do it sacred geometry meditations he requested:

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Robert Waggoner Answered question February 11, 2023
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