I was two people at the same time in my lucid dream

I was two people at the same time in my lucid dream2020-12-31T20:03:15-06:00

In a most recent lucid dream I was flying to a destination. Then all of a sudden I was no longer just in my ‘dream body’ flying but rather I could recognize that I had two ‘dream bodies’ & could feel the sensations of both.  I saw myself flying, felt the flying & had meta awareness of watching it all happen from a distance …

So in essence , I would like to ask if you have any advice as to what my experience was? I understand meta awareness but this was more like dual awareness & meta…. very strange! Any insight is so welcome.

Thank you!


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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish January 1, 2021


Thanks for sharing your lucid dream experience!

If I had to make a guess based on experience, then I would say that you simultaneously perceived from two layers of Self/self.  For example, you probably know that you can stop in a lucid dream and ask your larger awareness, ‘Hey, show me something important for me to see’ — and then suddenly the entire lucid dream will change, or a significant dream figure/symbol will appear.

Part of lucid dreaming involves discovering that we exist as more than the ego self alone.  In lucid dreaming, we can begin to differentiate the layers of self/Self — especially when we ‘shift’ our focus.

In your case, you managed to shift your focus from conscious self in the lucid dream to larger awareness self (observing the lucid dreamer self).

In my first book, Lucid Dreaming – Gateway to the Inner Self, I share a lucid dream experience of asking to experience ‘my feeling tone’ (a concept in Jane Roberts’ Seth books).  In the resulting experience, I had the experience of the two levels of self/Self.  Other lucid dreamers have noticed this same thing (on occasion).

Congrats for going deeper into lucid dreaming!

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish January 1, 2021
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