Fake awakes

Fake awakes2021-01-24T09:30:26-06:00

Hello i often have a Lucid dreams but they are often not comfortable due to lot of fake awakes. I am not able to wake Up sometimes and i am like prisoner in Lucid dream IT os scary for me please help.

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish January 24, 2021

Hi Matus,

In my books, I explain ‘how’ Fake Awakes or False Awakenings happen.

Basically, lucid dreams reflect our Expectations.  If we ‘expect’ to have a hard time flying through a wall, then it becomes hard — and we bounce off the wall.  Your ‘expectations’ help to create your experience.

Now, sometimes when we Expect that the lucid dreaming is coming to an end — we ‘create’ that idea of waking — and think that we have become awake.  But then we notice something strange (for example, the walls are painted green) — and realize we are still dreaming.

If you become afraid or feel like a prisoner — then your expectation and belief make this seem more real — since the lucid dream ‘reflects’ your expectations and beliefs.  So you must learn to ‘trust’ and let go of fear.

Again, I cover all of this in my books, because I have gone very deep into lucid dreaming.  I hope you have a chance to read my books.


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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish January 24, 2021
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