Dreaming I’m awake and able to manipulate physical reality

Dreaming I’m awake and able to manipulate physical reality2020-04-18T11:38:13-05:00

Hi Robert. I have a question I’d like to ask you regarding the following type of dream:

Dream / March 5, 2020 / Paris
I’m moving suitcases with my will; hard shelled suitcases of all sizes and colors. I’m showing people I can do this. I’m convinced I’m awake and able to affect my surroundings as I do in lucid dreams. I’m very happy because I have these powers. I get up feeling very connected to my physical surroundings though disappointed I was not doing this in waking life.

I get quite a few dreams like this. i have for decades. In them I move stuff around, levitate or am able lo climb empty space as if on an invisible ladder. All this by focusing my energy and directing my intent. Like in lucid dreams only during these dreams I’m totally convinced I’m awake doing this stuff in physical reality. I feel very happy that I can finally manipulate matter like that with my consciousness. Then I wake up… Do you have any idea what these dreams are about or have you had any similar ones?

Thank you

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Robert Waggoner Answered question April 18, 2020

Hi Ileana,

Thanks for sharing your dreams of ‘acting’ lucidly through directing your intent and focus.

Yes, I have dreams like this occasionally — but my dreams often involve ‘teaching’ the principles of reality creating in lucid dreams ( I will find myself saying things like “In lucid dreams, you can focus on something, for example that chair, and with your ‘intent’ make it float up the ceiling” — while making the chair float to the ceiling).  In these dreams, I seem sub-lucid, since I continue with the class and discuss lucid dreaming at a deep level — but largely accept it as ‘real’.

With these kind of experiences that you and I have, I sometimes look at them as “symbolically” expressing my own personal use of reality creating principles in waking life (that is, I consciously use Beliefs, Expectations, Focus, Intent and Will along with X, the inner awareness to pull certain events into my waking life).  And due to Continuity Theory, we then continue to do the same things in our dreams (using BEFIW and X).

However, I may also look at these dreams as ‘reality creating’ in the dreaming state in order to create my waking experience.  As Jane Roberts’ Seth indicated, one’s personally perceived experience in any realm (waking, dreaming, the after death experience, etc.) directly connect to one’s belief, expectations, etc.  Certain basic rules follow one through various dimensions of experience.

Good question!

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Robert Waggoner Answered question April 18, 2020
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