Dream Figures Refuse to Talk to Me

Dream Figures Refuse to Talk to Me2021-11-03T11:27:59-05:00

Hi Fellow Lucid Dreamers,

I have been a very prolific dreamer for years now, but I have significant difficulty communicating in a meaningful way with dream figures. Despite the respect and cordiality I show them (I am always very nice when approaching them), they usually become upset when I reveal I am lucid. In my most recent dream, a dream figure became irate when I said, “I’ve been lucid since I fell asleep hours ago! Isn’t that exciting?” and attempted to eject me from the dream/make me wake up.

If one takes dream figures to be aspects of the psyche, it makes sense that my subconscious might be preventing me from diving deep. However, I cultivate a profound interest in my inner world, and I have an active spiritual practice centered around integrating aspects of the shadow self. As such, it just doesn’t make sense to me why none of my dream figures will engage with me.

Any advice would be appreciated. Some advice I have already received is to befriend the hostile dream figure, even hug them.

Thanks for your help.



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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish November 3, 2021

Hi Jenn,

In my first book, I have an entire chapter on interacting with dream figures — so please gift yourself a copy of my book (and you will make rapid progress in lucid dreaming – since you sound like a wonderful lucid dreamer).

In general terms, lucid dreamers around the world discover that dream figures dislike being told, “Do you know I am dreaming you?” (or similar expressions).

Instead, I want to encourage you to do this:

Look around for the most energetic or aware dream figure. Then ask it an open-ended question, such as “Excuse me, but what do you represent?” or “Who are you?  Who are you?”

By beginning with an open ended question, you establish an opportunity to learn and dialogue.

Let me know how it goes!!

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish November 3, 2021
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