Visited my mother in heaven in a lucid dream state

Visited my mother in heaven in a lucid dream state2021-06-05T09:21:28-05:00

Hello there, i had a lucid dream on the night of my 50th birthday, i felt myself spinning and then i was in a house with mum. I hugged and cried in my mums arms and i kept telling her i was so sorry for not being there for her ( i was very selfish) She told me it was alright, along those lines. I asked her if she was coming back and she said no. I knew this house was in heaven because as i looked around i saw my dad sitting on a couch and my uncle too. Dad didnt say anything to me, he just looked at me. I saw many family members there who has passed away, cousins, uncles. However i saw my nephew there, sitting on a seat and i put my hand on his shoulder and thought, oh my darling, even though i was not surprised to see him there, although he had not passed. I kept walking through the house and my sister (mother to my nephew i just saw) was standing in front of me. I burst into tears and asked her what she was doing here? I told her im not ready to live my life without her! (she also hasnt passed) She didnt say anything. I went outside and there was like this large carport at the side of the house, there were a lot of tables with people sitting at them. I looked across the tables and i saw my brother who passed about 36 years ago. He lifted his head and just nodded at me. I began to notice other family members who were still alive but here in this place. I noticed the scenery, we were surrounded by rolling hills and their was this beautiful hue shining on the hills, i said gees this scenery is beautiful, and someone said to me they can change it whenever they like. Someone asked me who did i want to see, i just blurted out Elvis (i dont know why him?) but they told me i couldnt see him because he was on a different level. So my question is what does it mean to see the living in heaven? (i believe this was heaven)

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish June 5, 2021

Hi Donna,

Wonderful lucid dream!  Congratulations!

Now in my books, you can see that Dream Figures Vary (they are not created equal — in fact, some of them are just projected thought-forms).  Some act with awareness, express ideas, share information (outside of your own knowing, etc.), while others do not speak, have little awareness and just seem there as ‘stand ins’ (or to take up space).

Because you meet your mom and converse with her — there seems a good chance that this was a possible spiritual meeting with your mom (I have a chapter on interacting with Deceased Dream Figures in my first book, which I hope you will read).  Also, you heard something legitimate — that the “environment” was a created one — “I said gees this scenery is beautiful, and someone said to me they can change it whenever they like.”

The other dream figure family members may just be “the cast of characters” in your lucid family reunion with the deceased dream figure family members.  We unconsciously ‘add them’ because it seems natural to have them there when we have all these other uncles and aunts, etc.  They are ‘thought forms’ or our own mental creations.

To your question, about the “living in heaven” — please consider this:  If you were there, and you are ‘living’, then how do you explain that?

Also, if you learn that they “create” an environment that suits them and “can change it whenever they like” — then what does that say?

In my book, I have a lot more to say about this, and how to investigate it for your best benefit.

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish June 5, 2021
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