Understanding im in a dream

Understanding im in a dream2019-08-20T15:44:51-05:00

Dear Robert,

I’m having trouble understanding that I’m in a dream.  After I wake up it takes time for me to realize it was a dream — for the first few minutes I just think it is a memory instead of a dream.

Is there anything you think I can do to help my subconscious understand it’s a dream and not a memory?

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish August 20, 2019


In most dream experiences, we assume that the experience is actually happening (and it does not occur to us that it is a dream).

Of course, when we become ‘lucid’, we realize that we are in a dream, and then can begin to make conscious decisions about what we want to do.

One of the easiest ways to ‘realize’ that you exist in a dream is this:  1) Realize that dreams have many ‘strange’ events and actions, (for example, you are driving a car, and then a motorcycle, and then a bicycle and then a skateboard — and you never question it! — you just accept it), 2) Before sleep, tell yourself “Tonight in my dreams, I will be much more aware and when I notice something strange, I will immediately realize I am dreaming” — repeat this to yourself many times before sleep, so it becomes your energized intent!  3) Fall asleep, and try to notice “strange” events, things or situations.  As soon as you wake, think “What was I just dreaming?” and recall your dreams.

Because we often lack critical awareness in the dream state, we have to “suggest” and remind ourselves to become more critically aware (especially as we go to sleep, so it is our number 1 priority).

Lucid wishes!

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish August 20, 2019
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