The problem of being *too* aware in an LD

The problem of being *too* aware in an LD2022-06-17T08:30:11-05:00

Hello Mr Waggoner.  I have been having some recent breakthroughs in LD’ing lately, but I have this recurring problem – a bit difficult to explain – when I realise I’m dreaming, I become so aware of it that I actually lose the dream state.  For instance – last night I dreamt I was in a situation which could only be possible in a dream, and the person I saw asked me ‘what are YOU doing here?’ and I said to myself, ‘yes, what AM I doing here?’ It was then I realised – I’m dreaming!  I then grabbed the people I was with excitedly telling them ‘I’m dreaming!’ but even as I was doing that, I could feel the dream losing its dreamlike status.  I thought to myself ‘well, I can fly, but I’ll know it’s not real’ and indeed I did fly, but the excitement and pure joy that I’ve experienced in the past rare LD just wasn’t there.  I felt the sensations of flying, and that was great, but ultimately I knew it wasn’t real and that took the satisfaction right out of it.  It’s a real paradox because you need to be aware that you’re having a dream, but not so aware that the dream loses its magical feeling.  Do you have any thoughts or suggestions as to how I could work on this?  I’ve posted in a couple of forums but can’t find anyone who’s had this particular issue.  Thank you for being so accessible and sharing your time, by the way!

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish June 17, 2022
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