Sufi cultivator

Sufi cultivator2020-08-15T14:32:11-05:00

Salaam Robert, may peace be within you and always around you ameen ??.

I’ve come across some of your podcasts and have read some pages through one of your books and really like your radiance and advice.

I’ve had some experiences where due to meditation when I have my eyes closed I begin to see swirls of aura like colors only green and purple then sometimes a scene begins to unfold and takes shape beyond or within this green purplish smoke I have entered this way twice or three times maybe I was wondering what advice could you share in bringing this imagery up more clearly because now for some reason I get to see the swirls of color but doesn’t fully unfold into scenery etc.

Also in Sufism we have a long tradition regarding traveling through these realms as they have been mapped out by Sufi master’s the dream realm has been known as a realm slightly above our own but above this realm lie many more world’s or dimensions etc which can be crossed with enough spiritual energy.

Thanks for hearing my rambling hear from you soon, from your spirit friend


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Ali Answered question August 15, 2020

Salaam Robert,

I’m shocked with your quick response and your message is like a mini booklet haha.

The first time I entered was with a silent mind your right, my field of vision had the color green surround my mind space and that’s when I saw trees mountains etc and landed head first but couldn’t move, I was gazing slightly upwards still heavy on the grass but could see large trees and fruits but at the same time being aware that wait I’m suppose to me be laying in bed haha was very exciting and strange I’ve had other experiences like this without knowing what’s going on till I did research.

I believe ibn Arabi is myspiritual guide due to the fact he appears in my dreams to guide me, he was known as the greatest teacher and had many spiritual journeys beyond our own dimension and wrote a huge volume called futuhat Al makiyya which discuss many different subjects and is now finally available in English thanks to Dr Eric winkel, but still very hard to understand ibn arabis work.

I will try the wake up at night technique after my prayers with the countdown idea thanks for the tip.

I like how in your experience the wise man smiled at you and told you how this isn’t a lucid dream haha that’s cool, which reminds me I wish to send you a gift you may enjoy from ibn Arabi via email not sure how to contact you?

With the colored lights in our tradition each color belongs to different higher masters/prophets and a person can download vast amounts of divine knowledge which we call marifa. I have had some OBE’s before but didn’t have any control and kind of fly threw my bedroom wall and then everything became black but heard chanting.

Thanks again and I will definitely read your book more thoroughly, I’m abit of a butterfly when it comes to reading always reading from different books at the same time rummaging around.

Speak soon


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Robert Waggoner Posted new comment August 16, 2020

Hi Ali,
A person can send something to me at LucidAdvice AT
Best wishes,

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