Sufi cultivator

Sufi cultivator2020-08-15T14:32:11-05:00

Salaam Robert, may peace be within you and always around you ameen ??.

I’ve come across some of your podcasts and have read some pages through one of your books and really like your radiance and advice.

I’ve had some experiences where due to meditation when I have my eyes closed I begin to see swirls of aura like colors only green and purple then sometimes a scene begins to unfold and takes shape beyond or within this green purplish smoke I have entered this way twice or three times maybe I was wondering what advice could you share in bringing this imagery up more clearly because now for some reason I get to see the swirls of color but doesn’t fully unfold into scenery etc.

Also in Sufism we have a long tradition regarding traveling through these realms as they have been mapped out by Sufi master’s the dream realm has been known as a realm slightly above our own but above this realm lie many more world’s or dimensions etc which can be crossed with enough spiritual energy.

Thanks for hearing my rambling hear from you soon, from your spirit friend


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Ali Answered question August 15, 2020

Salaam Ali,

Thanks for your note.

Yes, a person can enter into a lucid dream by watching the colors swirl, maintaining their awareness and then eventually a dream-scene may appear.  Sometimes, it may feel like you have to ‘move’ into the dream ( as if you have to pull yourself through a door way into the dream).   Here, if you ‘focus’ on where you wish to be, then it seems easier to get there.  So if you see a garden, and focus on the fig tree — then you can move into the dream aware, more easily.

Another thing to do:  I have also found that if I completely silence my mind, then the colors will not swirl — and normally one color will shine all across the visual field.

Also if you spontaneously wake at night, then with a relaxed and peaceful mind as you go back to sleep, you can quietly think, “One, this is a dream.  Two, this is a dream.  Three, this is a dream….”  And continue.  You may find yourself saying, “Twenty-one this is a dream” — and realize that a dream scene appears around you and now you are lucidly aware!  This technique was introduced by Stephen LaBerge.

I have read a bit by the Sufi teacher hundreds of years ago, Ibn Al Arabi.  From his writings, it seems that he learned much from his lucid dreaming and spiritual journeys.  I have also taught with the head of the Sufi Association in the United Kingdom (Nigel H.).

Yes, dreaming and lucid dreaming can be seen as a specific inner realm (with its own rules and principles) — and then there are other realms too, which may seem quite similar but are different (and therefore have their own rules and principles).  I remember once, I was ‘aware’ and being taught by a wise man, and I said to the man, “This is an incredibly stable and long lucid dream.”  He smiled and looked at me, saying, “This is not a lucid dream.”  And at that moment, I realized that he was correct, since I did not recall becoming ‘aware within a dream’.  So, you will see that sometimes when you are ‘aware’ in an inner dimension, but can not recall how you became aware (because there was no dream), then you may be at another deeper inner dimension.

Now in my books, I suggest one way to explore this:  Become lucid, stabilize the lucid dream, and then announce, “Show me the next level” or “Take me to the next form/dimension.”  Normally, things will suddenly change, and you may find yourself aware in the kitchen of your house (probably in what people call an OBE state) or you may find yourself moving through a vast space of blackness before you suddenly come to a new inner environment.

As I mention in my first book, though, you can have experiences with ‘light’ and with geometric figures of profound energy.  In fact, I came to a certain level of realization, and would fall asleep and the entire night was ‘blue light’.  No symbols, no action, just blue light for the entire night!   This led to an even deeper understanding and some larger experiences (too complicated to explain).  But I bring this up to say that even realms of light seem reachable.

In many ways, I think of the correct path of lucid dreaming as Lucidly Following the Light.  Or perhaps, another person might say the correct path of lucid dreaming as Lucidly Following Creativity.  If you follow creativity deep enough, then surely you will eventually come to the realm of the Creator.

Lucid wishes on your journey of awareness,



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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish August 15, 2020
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