Seeing energy as it moves in the Universe

Seeing energy as it moves in the Universe2021-07-12T15:42:20-05:00

Hi Robert, I just watched your interview on Conscious TV and was blown away by the fact you are the first person I have come across who was into CC to the point that they actually practiced his dreaming technique. I began practicing in my 30’s and am now 68, I have had a number of Lucid dreams but always random, I was never able to do it on a regular basis and in the end let go in frustration. My first was the most memorable, on seeing my hands and declaring in wonder WOW I’m awake, something picked me up by the ankles, swung me round and round then flung me far far out into space it was both the most terrifying and most wondrous moment of my life.

My question is the title, because it is mentioned so many times in the books, have you been able to see energy as it moves in the Universe, from the Lucid dreaming state?

With gratitude Sarito

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish July 12, 2021

Hi Sarito,

Thanks for your note.  In my books, especially my first one, you can see how lucid dreamers play around with this question of “energy” moving.  For example, in some lucid dream attempts to physically heal one’s self, suddenly and spontaneously “light” shoots out of the palms of the hands onto the area.  Other times, you do not ‘see’ light, but instead just feel energy moving.  And you can also play with ‘sound’, for example I noticed this when I asked to hear my “feeling tone” (or what Jane Roberts called the ‘essence of oneself’ in this life) — and suddenly a little dot appears making this high pitched “AAHH!” sound — as it grows larger and forms a conical shape, the AAHH!!! sound increases markedly in volume until it eventually dis-integrates me, and then my larger awareness watches the AAHH!! sound of conical energy — and decides to recapitulate “me”, whereupon I find myself in a lucid dream, looking at the house I am sleeping in, and trying to piece together what just happened.

So you can see how lucid dreaming allows one to play with energy in numerous forms, if you know how.

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish July 12, 2021
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