Pure blackness And a ball of energy but aware

Pure blackness And a ball of energy but aware2021-05-19T10:17:57-05:00

First I would like to say I have been searching for someone/something like this site for years.

I have searched for over 3 decades for someone who has had this type of lucid dream or has some knowledge on it. Here goes…

First time I had this dream I was about 7. I told my parents and they are supportive but they don’t think much of it(I later find out my father has always had precognition and lucid dreams) too. So I instantly enter the dream and it’s pure blackness but I have conscious thoughts and I felt confused . I “hear” other balls of light being motherly and telepathic thought to another ball of energy “saying “ she’s frightened so they start bumping into me and as they I feel intense love and acceptance. I asked please where is my mom. The one in charge telepathically says your mom will be prepared for your arrival soon. Then all the energy Mother’s surround me and bounce pure love that I have never felt before and probably never will until I pass- side note: I have an incredible loving mother but this I experience in lucid dreaming is so difficult to explain to anyone. I have always had lucid dreams and I have talked to others with lucid dreams and they always seem puzzled.

The last lucid dreaming pure black with being just a bubble of spirit was June 13,2019. I would appreciate ANY information you have on this because my life has been consumed by searching for a answer to this- my gut feeling was it was prior to my birth but I question that because even being that spirit type form I knew who my current mother was and who I was… so I am at a Lost… anything would he very appreciated. I also would like to know are your zoom classes for medium to advanced lucid dreamers as well?

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish May 19, 2021


Thanks for sharing your lucid dream experiences.  In my very first consciously induced lucid dream, I too became a “ball of light” awareness — and floated through the handprints of my hand (as if they were giant canyon walls of flesh) — then popped back to being my normal size and took off flying!  I have had other experiences with this in lucid dreaming, so it happens.

As young children, we seem more apt to have vivid dreams, and we can have spontaneous lucid dreams too (see the research by Ursula Voss on lucid dreaming in German school children, ages 6 to 19 years).  I believe the research survey showed that 20% of 8 year olds had spontaneously had lucid dreams.

But to your point, in some lucid dreams, we find ourselves in a dark, sparkling immense Void — which lucid dreamers call the Void or the grey space, etc.   This seems to serve as the ‘space’ before an actual dream begins (and I say this because I have been aware in this sparkling space, and then watched lucidly as a new dream began to form around me).

In any case, it appears that you have experienced this too — and realized that in this Void space, you can get emotional support, energy and ideas from others (who may appear as balls of light energy).  These kind of experiences show us that lucid dreaming has extraordinary depth — and points to the actual nature of the ‘self’.

Yes, my online courses are geared for all levels of lucid dreamers — beginners, intermediate and advanced.  Here on June 19th, I have one beginning at GlideWing — see GlideWing online workshops

Best wishes!

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish May 19, 2021
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