Medication and lucid dreams?

Medication and lucid dreams?2021-07-06T13:26:24-05:00

Hi Everyone,

Someone wrote and asked me this question:

“Since I have been put on Prozac, I can not lucid dream.  Before Prozac, I was a very prolific lucid dreamer.

Has anyone figured out a way to bypass the effects of drugs when it comes to lucid dreaming?”

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Robert Waggoner Answered question July 6, 2021

Hi there,

When it comes to medications, I do not have the knowledge base to respond.

However, you may want to do something fairly simple:  Go to the medication’s list of Side Effects and then see what you learn.  Some medications lead to vivid dreams, and some to less frequent dream recall.  I recall at one time taking a malaria drug while traveling overseas, and having a very powerful nightmare (which was listed as a possibility for that malaria drug).

I suggest this because you may be having a lucid dream drought (and search my answer’s database to get some ideas on how to leave a drought), and the lack of lucid dreams has no causal connection to the medication….

Lucid wishes!

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Robert Waggoner Answered question July 6, 2021
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