Light getting dimmer while lucid dreamng?

Light getting dimmer while lucid dreamng?2021-06-05T09:07:15-05:00

When I’m lucid dreaming I am usually flying around. I will find that the light around me gets dimmer and dimmer until I fall back into a regular dream. It seems as if my own energy level is dropping. What can I do about this? I have not had a lucid dream, nor have I tried to  now for a few years since I think this aspect scares me.

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish June 5, 2021

Hi there,

Nothing to be afraid about!  I have a simple explanation:

When you start the lucid dream, you have a sense of fun and adventure.  But after you go along, you lose that feeling of adventure — and then the lucid dream environment Reflects that by becoming “dimmer and dimmer”.   In a way, you are being taught a lesson!

This suggests to me that you need to ‘watch’ for this in waking life as well.  Does your day start out okay with a sense of energy, and then get progressively less?

For ‘lucid living’, it seems best to have ‘goals’ that really make you happy and interested.  In a lucid dream it might be to meet Grandmother.  In the waking state, it might be to call up an old friend and have them over for a cup of tea!

By using ‘energy’ to achieve goals — you build more energy for life.

The simple answer is that the Lucid Dream Reflects You in that moment.  As you lose interest and engagement with that space, it gets dimmer.  So you need to have goals, get interested (!) and then the light will stay Bright!

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish June 5, 2021
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