Is this really a lucid dream? Is this a “false awakening”?

Is this really a lucid dream? Is this a “false awakening”?2019-06-14T09:08:56-05:00

Dear Robert,

My experience with lucid dreaming began only 15 days ago, when I had, on two consecutive days, two spontaneous and beautiful lucid dreams. It was an experience that I call “mind blowing” and even spiritual, because of the intensity and detail of the dreams.

As I had no knowledge of the subject, I started reading your book “Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self.” The breadth of the theme and its possibilities fascinated me. At the same time, I started to do an online 10 days course on lucid dreaming.

After two weeks applying the technique of looking at my hands before bed, as well as relaxation techniques taught in the course, I had, last night, what apparently was my first induced lucid dream.

I stood before a lake. I realized that I was in a dream and decided to do some experiments in space manipulation that you describe in your book. I said to the lake, “Now you will run out of water!” and the lake withered. Soon after, I said, “Your water will now come back!” and it returned. I continued to manipulate the water, making it clearer and clearer.

Soon after, I decided to create a tower of earth that ascended to the skies, and the tower materialized in front of me. Then I said to it, “Disappear!” And it dissolved.

I remembered the possibility of communicating with my Inner Self (mentioned in your book) and asked the dream: “More awareness!” Then, suddenly, I was no longer in front of the lake, but floating in a kind of red mist, full of symbols and archetypes. I got scared. My dream seemed to collapse.

The scenery changed. I was in a room where I had never been before, but my awareness apparently was lessened, for I did not realize that it was a room totally different from mine. That I was still in a dream. A little later, I woke up in my real room.

It was a really nice experience. However, to what extent can I qualify it as a lucid dream? I think, until now: “Did not I just dreamt that I was having a lucid dream?” My doubt is due to the fact that, in terms of emotional intensity, this induced dream was significantly weaker than the initial two “spiritual” dreams I had, dreams that, in fact, triggered my interest in lucid dreaming. Moreover, in this induced lucid dream, my awareness seemed also not to be so intense.

I also have another question: did the fact that I “woke up” in a room that was not mine and did not realize that I was still dreaming could qualify as a “false awakening”?

Thanks in advance an all the best,


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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish June 14, 2019

Dear Krishna,

Congratulations on your lucid dreams, and your first consciously induced lucid dream!

Lucid dreaming is a profound path, and it appears that you may have a natural talent for it.  The important thing: Realize that your larger awareness will make you aware of things, which seem unusual and energetically strange (such as your experience “floating in a kind of red mist, full of symbols and archetypes. I got scared. My dream seemed to collapse”).  If you can simply accept these experiences and observe them with a feeling of trust, then you will learn more easily and rapidly.

Because of its profound depth, lucid dreaming requires a sense of trust and fearlessness — and in my book, I discuss the Reality Creating Principles of Belief, Expectation, Focus, Intent/Will and X – the larger awareness.  In your lucid dream, you had the capacity to manipulate the ‘dream’ by virtue of these Reality Creating Principles.  However, when you reach out to the larger awareness and request “More awareness!”, then you have to accept what comes (e.g. the red mist full of symbols).  😉

Through such experiences, we learn the difference between the ego (which still fears for itself) and its larger awareness (of which it is part, but fails to accept this fact).  Lucid dreaming, naturally, leads to an integration of ego and larger awareness — or towards a more ‘spacious mind’.

To your questions:

So after the lucid dream “seemed to collapse”, you entered a “false awakening.”  Normally, because of our thinking in the false awakening, we fail to realize our situation (and lack lucidity).  But sometimes, a person can think, “Wait a second – how did I get here?!” — and return to full lucidity (that is, they use the false awakening as a springboard to become lucid again).  False awakenings normally occur because “we expect” to wake — and the energy of that “expectation” creates a new scene.

Why does the emotional intensity of the induced lucid dream seem less than your two spontaneous lucid dreams?  I can only guess — but I have seen instances where the person’s larger awareness seeks to place them on the lucid dreaming path — and therefore to engage the person and their ego, the larger awareness creates a profound lucid dream of depth, profundity and emotional intensity!  The larger awareness creates the lucid dream’s circumstance and direction (based on the inner need of the person) — and the lucid dreamer feels ‘wowed’ by it.

However, when the lucid dreamer begins to have their first induced lucid dreams, then he or she ‘begins’ their conscious education in the Reality Creating Principles, and now has to deal with their own beliefs, expectations, focus, and even ‘fears’ (when they encounter strange experiences).  This education represents the foundation for their future growth — so that in the future, they can ‘create’ lucid dreams of profound depth and emotional intensity on their own accord!  But you (the waking self and ego) must learn.

It is not enough that your larger awareness knows.  You must know.  You must learn.  And when our larger awareness sees us request ‘more awareness’ — and then fear the resulting experience — then it shows our ego self that we have much to learn.  But that is the nature of growth!

Again, congratulations!

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish June 14, 2019
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