Is it possible to access real dimensions after death?

Is it possible to access real dimensions after death?2021-06-26T10:04:59-05:00

I flew around in a gloomy and gray-blue environment and suddenly became lucid. I shouted out to the dream, “show me something important for me to see”. The stage was changed to a room that led out to a soccer field, where probably 100 people participated in a match, both children and adults. I jumped in and had a shot on goal before the scene changed to a square in a rather boring little town. I shouted out that all “thought-figures should dissolve”. About half of them disappeared. I approached a lone old man on a bench. I asked what a place this was. The old man replied that consciousness continues after death and that he was stuck here. I asked why, he replied because there are always new things to learn. I got the feeling that his wife was not here and I felt sorry for him. His sister, however, was present and came by and began wrestling with the man. To get out of here you have to go to (and he pointed to a store). I went there, the store owner an Asian guy seemed friendly but stressed and ran back and forth. Another man in there said to get out of here you have to shake 4 tubes with cranberries inside. I replied that I am not dead but lucid and that I can at any time decide to wake up in my bed. He looked at me a little confused. However, I felt that it was still best to follow their recommendation and the store owner gave me the 4 tubes with cranberries. How do you get back here?, I asked. Then you shake 2 tubes, replied the shop owner. I shook the 4 tubes and then I woke up.

Robert: I am sure you have had similar dreams where you felt you actually accessed a real dimension after death? What do you make of this and any key parts in my dream you take notice of, why the importans of the Cranberries for an example do you think?

best regards

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish June 26, 2021

Hi Tony,

In my first book, I have an entire chapter on this topic of meeting deceased dream figures.

There, I share some personal experiments conducted by Ed Kellogg — where he lucidly seeks out a deceased acquaintance — finds them and has a lucid conversation — then returns to waking.  He contacts the family and tells them about the lucid dream, whereupon they normally confirm many of the details (as in”Oh yes, when he was a young man he was fascinated by _____ It’s so interesting to hear that you saw that in your lucid dream encounter!”).

Because lucid dreaming normally follows our own wonderings — I wonder if this issue of the exact nature of the after-death state  was on your mind around the time of this lucid dream?

Also I want to mention that one of the Letters of St. Augustine in the 5th century shares a wonderful lucid dream by a man named Gennardius — who had wondered about the after death state.  In the lucid dream, he receives an answer!

To the issue of shaking cranberries — as I see it, it seems to serve as a “suggestion” — shake this 4 times and awaken in your world — and it works (since you believe in it in that moment).


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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish June 26, 2021
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