Focusing on one thing

Focusing on one thing2021-04-12T11:30:37-05:00
1 Comment

Hello Robert,

this is Jan from Hamburg Germany,

I am focusing on lucid dreaming for roughly 50 days, had one false awakening and my first real one 10 days ago,

so beeing a novice on this matter there is a question I`d like to ask,

“On what should I put my focus more before going to sleep? On an affirmation to have better dream recall?, or on a affirmation that has the notion to become lucid? Both are confusing and not clear,

what’s your opinion on that?

and by the way, thanks for the great interviews you give and the openness sharing your journey

Greetings from fresh and rainy

Jan Hamburg

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Robert Waggoner Posted new comment June 17, 2022

Hello Jan,

If you can recall at least one dream a night, then I would simply focus on (before going to sleep), the affirmation to become lucidly aware.  By doing that, you make “becoming lucid” your clear intent before sleep.

So my second book is in German — but in it, I suggest these kind of suggestions:

“Tonight in my dreams, I will be much more aware, and when I notice something strange, I will realize I am dreaming.”

or more simply,

“Tonight in my dreams, I will realize I am dreaming.”

Now, a beginner with poor dream recall, might try, “Tonight I will clearly recall my dreams, and when I notice something strange I will realize I am dreaming.” — and see how that works.

But in general terms, it seems best to have a suggestion which focuses clearly on one thing.

May the lucid dreaming gods smile favorably on your 50 day experiment!  And may you ‘Play with it’ — and have fun with it,



Hello Jan,

If you can recall at least one dream a night, then I would simply focus on (before going to sleep), the affirmation to become lucidly aware.  By doing that, you make “becoming lucid” your clear intent before sleep.

So my second book is in German — but in it, I suggest these kind of suggestions:

“Tonight in my dreams, I will be much more aware, and when I notice something strange, I will realize I am dreaming.”

or more simply,

“Tonight in my dreams, I will realize I am dreaming.”

Now, a beginner with poor dream recall, might try, “Tonight I will clearly recall my dreams, and when I notice something strange I will realize I am dreaming.” — and see how that works.

But in general terms, it seems best to have a suggestion which focuses clearly on one thing.

May the lucid dreaming gods smile favorably on your 50 day experiment!  And may you ‘Play with it’ — and have fun with it,


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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish April 12, 2021
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