Finding it hard to get words out

Finding it hard to get words out2020-07-15T14:00:44-05:00

I’ve had a few instances where I become aware and become focused on my intentions of speaking to someone, then when I go to do it, i find it hard to get words out, almost like I’m not suppose to speak. The other night I was successful in getting a sentence out, but again I had a very hard time. I asked someone what the meaning of this dream was and got a reply but is there any reason why this happens?

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Robert Waggoner Answered question July 15, 2020

Hi Israel,

Thanks for sharing your experience.

When I have an online workshop and someone has an issue occur in a lucid dream, I normally ask them to describe “exactly” what happened (and their thinking during the lucid dream at that moment).  I ask this because the lucid dream ‘mentally reflects’ our beliefs, expectations, focus and intent — in that moment.

Also I ask because sometimes they already (inwardly) know that they feel conflicted about the question — or feel it is improper to get information in the dream state.

In general if lucid dreams are normally mentally reflective, then a person needs to examine what happens in response to their query.  For example, do you not want to hear the response?  Does your ego know what it wants to do, and therefore fights an alternate view?  All of these things can lead to muffled responses, or the inability to speak, etc.  This means that the problem involves our inner conflict (sometimes, between wanting to know but not wanting to hear — or feeling concerned about the response).

For those lucid dreamers who reach out to the larger awareness with questions, then you may see that a certain category of question gets a lovely response (e.g., open-ended questions, like, ‘Hey dream, show me something important for me to see!’), while another category of questions, (e.g., ego derived preferences, like ‘Hey dream, show me if I should go to the movies or stay home and ….’) result in very little response.  The questions can be the issue.

Hope that is a bit helpful.  When I have a detailed report, then the issue often becomes obvious.

Lucid wishes!

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Robert Waggoner Answered question July 15, 2020
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