Could not hear the Dream Awareness respond back to me/was muffled

Could not hear the Dream Awareness respond back to me/was muffled2020-06-15T19:09:10-05:00


I’ve been trying out talking to the dream itself since reading your book about a month ago. In the first few LD’s I tried this in, the Dream gave me back either specific short answers or just told me I have to wait, or chose not to respond (implying I have to wait for what I asked). I did have, at various moments, that inability to get the words out of my mouth that I read some other people have.

The last couple of LDs it became less coherent. It gave me a strange response about a writing project, and then, without prompting, was forcing some story on me. This actually happened in two LDs. In the first one, I couldn’t really remember it. And in the second, I told it that it already told me the story, but it responded that it was important and started over (began with something like, “Back when the empire fell..”) I also noticed that when I am a little impatient with it, it kicks me out (such as in the dream above).

Anyway, in last night’s dream, I was oh so politely asking it to clarify its answer about the writing project, but the voice was all muffled! I couldn’t hear it. Then I began to ask it to speak up, but after that all I was getting was muffled “I don’t knows” to nothing at all.

I’ve read your other responses about mental blocks/beliefs/expectations. This could partly be the issue. Maybe I had trouble speaking in the beginning because I didn’t know what I expected, but after that first experience, I had no trouble speaking with it. Perhaps, also, the incoherence is due to my own subconscious confusions. I find the interesting feeling that the Dream Awareness has very much its own moods and does not tolerate much from me – no complicated questions, no impatience, no sass, and no forcing control. I will be using journaling/meditation to try to clear this up in my waking hours and see where I can get with it.

But what I found curious most of all, and the “question” here (although I do not think you can really answer it, but perhaps other people will read it and relate) is why I could not hear it talking to me. Given its dynamic nature, perhaps we as individuals can only answer this for ourselves. In this case, after I awoke, it almost seemed as if (a bit silly here) the Dream Awareness was caught/held hostage with a gun pointed at it by some deeper subconscious/awareness, controlling its responses/voice and denying them.  :::scary emoji face here::::

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish June 16, 2020


Thanks for sharing your experience.

When I have an online workshop and someone has an issue occur in a lucid dream, I normally ask them to describe “exactly” what happened when reaching out to the larger awareness (and their thinking during the lucid dream).  I ask this because the lucid dream ‘mentally reflects’ our beliefs, expectations, focus and intent — in that moment.

Also I ask because sometimes they already (inwardly) know that their question is conflicted or somehow problematic.  If you have a history of interaction with the larger awareness, then you begin to see that a certain category of question gets a lovely response (e.g., open-ended questions, like, ‘Hey dream, show me something important for me to see!’), while another category of questions, (e.g., ego derived preferences, like ‘Hey dream, show me if I should go to the movies or stay home and ….’) result in very little.  The questions can be the issue.

In general if lucid dreams are normally mentally reflective, then a person needs to examine what happens in response to their query.  For example, do you not want to hear the response?  Does your ego know what it wants to do, and therefore fights an alternate view?  All of these things can lead to muffled responses, etc.  This means that the problem is not the larger awareness — it is the conflict between wanting to know but not wanting to hear.

Hope that is a bit helpful.  When I have a detailed report, then the issue often becomes obvious.

Lucid wishes!


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Robert Waggoner Posted new comment July 15, 2020

Thank you, Robert. I understand what you mean. There seems to be something deeper going on as well. Following the question I posted, I had another lucid dream a few days later in which, when I became lucid, the dream awareness was completely absent. After some exploration in the dream, and then some “baddie” coming out of the woodworks I remembered the advice to confront these shadowy characters. When I did, with nothing but compassion and calmness, it kept smiling in a very sinister way until I was right in front of it and then I woke up. I had a regular dream a day or so after that in which the only part I remembered upon waking is a dream character telling me about how “he’s [referencing the baddie from the previous LD] just not gonna let me run wild in there.” Since then, almost 3 weeks, no lucid dreams whatsoever. It’s an interesting experience, and perhaps people that have anything repressed [which apparently I do, although I do not yet know what!] might find relatable when their confrontations with whatever dark suppressions don’t have an easy resolution.
I understand (and agree) that the ego itself is in some way also “controlling” this separation of the dream awareness (and connection with it). I just have to say that the experience of feeling absolutely cut off from my subconscious all of a sudden is a strangely alienating one. I’ll be working on opening up my mind/ego to myself while awake, and keeping on trying to LD, because, well, how else am I going to have this long-due conversation with my subconscious? Again, thanks for your response. Wonderful to have a resource like your books/experience.

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