Confirmation of independent awareness?

Confirmation of independent awareness?2021-06-26T09:41:08-05:00
I first had a non-lucid dream where I met a girl with whom I felt an incredible connection with, almost so my eyes watered. Strong love. We hugged and talked about a lot of things.

Then I suddenly woke up. I was determined to resume the same dream but this time with lucidity. I managed to force myself right back into the dream with lucidity right from the start. The settings was all the same and the girl stood there with her back to me. Excited that I was now lucid, I turned her over. To my great surprise, she looked at me in shock and was very upset when she saw that I was aware/lucid. "You are cheating" she shouted at me. "We must not associate with the opposite" (I got the strong feeling she meant people who was lucid). Amazed at her outburst, I asked, "Who says so?" "My grandmother," the girl replied. Then a group of her friends began to approach me threateningly. I became numb, could not get a word out. I wanted to ask them what they represented. Instead, I pulled myself out of the dream and woke up.

Robert: To me I got a strong confirmation from this dream that beings do exists in other dimensions that truly have a mind of their own. Do you interpret this dream the same way I do? 

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Robert Waggoner Edited question June 26, 2021

Hi Tony,

For those who have read my books, I try to express the complexity of dream figures repeatedly — and make these points:

Dream Figures vary in their conversational ability, apparent awareness, seeming intelligence, intentional behavior and much more.  Some seem simple.  Others brim with insight and energy.

With enough encounters, you will begin to see that some have limitations (and should largely be ignored), while others deserve a degree of attention and thought.  Making that determination can seem a very fine one.

Thanks for sharing your examples!

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Robert Waggoner Answered question June 26, 2021
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