How do you know when to utilize advice given to you?

How do you know when to utilize advice given to you?2021-05-05T10:31:01-05:00

I had a nap this afternoon and felt myself entering the dream. I found myself in a room with two other dream characters: a tall man and a heavier lady. I ask the tall man if I should get back in a relationship with an old ex who is my friend currently. He tells me “there’s no chance in that working”, I continue to pry doubting his answers cause it isn’t what I wanted to hear, but he’s consistent in his replies. Eventually he tells me if I want to talk again we can do so at 4:00am and he leaves. The heavier lady gives me a motherly hug. My question is how do I know when the advice given in a dream is actually solid? I never had the chance to ask the man what he represents, for all I know he could of been self-doubt. I don’t think that’s the case though cause he reminded me of an older brother.

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish May 5, 2021


As I mention in my books, dream figures vary in their responsiveness, behavior, level of apparent independence, awareness and consciousness.  Therefore, to ask a question of a random dream figure in a lucid dream, seems similar to asking the same question of a random person on a bus or at a restaurant.  They may, or may not, give a helpful response.

For this reason, I suggest to lucid dreamers that they engage their larger awareness or inner self by ignoring the dream figures in a lucid dream, and asking the larger awareness.  Sometimes you receive a literal response and sometimes a symbolic response, but the response (in my opinion) seems more thoughtful (than random dream figures).

Now the only difference here would involve interacting with a special dream figure in a lucid dream such as a deceased loved one, who appears aware — or some truly aware dream figure of consequence.

Lucid wishes!

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Robert Waggoner Changed status to publish April 19, 2021
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