2 questions: 1) scientific evidence regarding people with lower abilities to lucid dream & 2) How to lucid map strange places

2 questions: 1) scientific evidence regarding people with lower abilities to lucid dream & 2) How to lucid map strange places2017-08-18T10:23:33-05:00

Hello Robert!

I would like to ask you two things:

1) Is there any scientific evidence, showing that some kind of people (or type of brain for example, race, whatever) are more able to Lucid Dream than others? I try every technique I can, but the best I can do its 1 or 2 lucid dreams per month! 🙁 And thats the best, the normal is like 1 dream every 2 months.


2) You speak about lucid map on your last book. I would like to try that, try to see what places I’ve been in my normal dreams or in my lucid dreams. The problem is that many times I dream with strange places that I cannot identify with no real location. Can you give me more hints about lucid maps?



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Hi Rick,

Thanks for your questions.

To your question about scientific evidence about people pre-disposed to lucid dreaming:  It seems that there are two possible pieces of evidence — the first by Jayne Gackenbach, who researched characteristics of lucid dreamers, and discovered that people who score better on ‘field independence’ seem to have a greater propensity for lucid dreaming — and then some other researchers (I believe Martin Dresler) have noted that people who have incidence of narcolepsy in their family history seem to have a greater likelihood of lucid dreaming.

I do want to emphasize that lucid dreaming takes time.  I began by having maybe 1 or 2 lucid dreams a month — but eventually (and with a lot of effort) kept increasing that over a few years, until I finally achieved 30 lucid dreams in a month (at my peak).  With a combination of better techniques and increased ‘mindfulness’, you can improve over the course of a year or two.

To your next question about using ‘dream mapping’ as a technique (which I write about in Lucid Dreaming Plain and Simple) — I encourage you to re-read those pages since they contain important details.  To your point though, the dreamers who try this, ‘sense’ where ‘home’ is in the ‘dream space’ (and ‘home’ is always in the center of their map).  So let us say that you find yourself in a dream in a location that is strange and new (let us say that you find yourself in a marsh).  Okay.  When you waken, you ask yourself, “In which direction did ‘home base’ feel like?”  And intuitively you would sense, “Oh, my feeling is that ‘home’ is to my north and east, and far away.”  So then you would place this location (the marsh) in the proper location and further out from ‘home base’.

As you begin to do this process in your dream journal and dream map, then suddenly you will find yourself in dreams, thinking, ‘Where is home base?’ or ‘I have dreamt of this location before,’ and then ‘Wait a second, this must be a dream!’ — and becoming lucid.

Lucid wishes!

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